Laura Kennedy has been the heart and soul behind Little Yellow Wheelbarrow, where her passion for gardening has grown into a robust resource for fellow green thumbs. Originally from Nova Scotia, Laura’s journey took her to British Columbia, where she met her husband, Warren, and discovered her love for gardening.

an image of Laura Kennedy

From Coast To Coast and Back Again

Laura’s gardening knowledge is as vast as the Canadian landscapes she’s lived in. From BC to Alberta, Newfoundland, Ontario, and Saskatchewan, she’s experienced almost every growing zone and growing season Canada offers.

She now resides in the beautiful Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, Canada.

In the Media

Laura’s insightful articles have graced the pages and websites of renowned publications like Real Simple, Martha Stewart, Hunker, Pioneer Woman, and Farmhouse Kitchens in print. Her expertise and engaging writing style have made her a sought-after contributor in the gardening and lifestyle space.

Reader Favorites

Laura’s extensive knowledge and hands-on gardening experiences have led to much-beloved content. Here are four reader favorites, celebrated for their practical advice and creative inspiration:

Fun Facts About Laura

  • Laura is working towards her Master Gardener’s certification and a Degree in Horticultural Landscape Design.
  • A devoted dog lover, often gardening with Daisy, her 13-year-old black labrador.
  • A talented photographer, Laura captures the beauty of nature and the essence of gardening.
  • Outdoor adventures are a must for Laura, who enjoys camping and hiking in the beautiful Canadian wilderness.
  • She’s building a multi-acre food oasis in her backyard.
  • She’s also embarking on a new adventure this year: getting her first motorcycle.

Connect with Laura Kennedy

Laura loves to hear from fellow gardening enthusiasts and readers. Connect with her for gardening tips and collaboration ideas, or share your gardening stories. If you are in the Annapolis Valley, she loves visiting gardens and farms, taking photos, and talking up her AMAZING neighbors who all do amazing things; reach out! She would love to connect.