Harvesting Butternut Squash – The Ultimate Guide

Butternut squash is a warm-season crop that typically requires between 90 to 120 days to reach full maturity, depending on the variety and growing conditions. But knowing the optimal picking time to ensure your best harvest can take time and effort. It sounds complicated for a first-time gardener, but don’t worry; harvesting butternut squash at the right time is simply knowing what signs to look for.

And this article will have everything you need to know to identify ripe butternut squash and all the tips and tricks you need to have to ensure a successful harvest and a long storage season.

A ripe harvest of butternut squash stored in a rustic wooden bin.
Table of Contents

    Importance of Harvesting Butternut Squash At The Right Time

    Butternut squash ripen in 90-120 days, but location, weather, and varieties will all play a part in the time required to mature fully.

    Proper harvesting is essential for taste and storage because it ensures that butternut squash is picked at the optimal stage of maturity, allowing for the best flavor, texture, and storage potential. Here’s how good harvesting impacts taste and storage:

    • Taste and texture: When a butternut squash is harvested at the right stage of maturity, it has the chance to develop its full flavor profile and the desired creamy, smooth sweet texture.
    • If harvested too early, the squash may have a bland taste, and its texture can be watery and less enjoyable. The squash can become overly fibrous and develop an off taste if harvested too late.
    • Sugar content: The sugar content in butternut squash increases as it matures. Gathering at the optimal time ensures the squash has reached its peak sweetness.
    • Storage potential: Proper harvesting also affects the storage life of butternut squash.
    Fresh butternut squash isolated on a white background.

    So, When do you Pick Butternut Squash?

    I know, you came here just wanting to know when should you pick butternut squash, and this article is longer than you were expecting. Well, the short answer is: when they’re ripe! Read on to learn to read the signs and learn exactly when to pick butternut squash.

    Related: Butternut squash earns a spot on our list of high-ROI crops for its long storage life, hearty yields, and versatility in both savory and sweet dishes.

    Watch For Signs of Maturity

    There are several signs you can watch for to determine if your winter squash is ready for harvesting. Keep an eye out for color changes, hardened skin and dried tendrils, and browning stems:

    Color Change

    One of the most noticeable signs that butternut squash is ready for harvest is a color change. Mature fruits will have a deep tan or beige color, while immature fruits may still have green stripes or green undertones or patches. The skin should be uniformly tan colored, without any visible green areas.

    Ripe butternut squash lying on the ground of a vegetable bed.

    Hardened skin

    As butternut squash matures, its skin becomes tougher and more puncture-resistant. To test the hardness, press your fingernail into the skin. If it resists puncture and doesn’t leave a mark, the squash is likely mature and ready for harvest.

    Immature squash will have softer skin that’s easily dented or marked.

    Dried tendrils

    Another sign of maturity is the state of the tendrils near the fruit’s stem. When the squash is ripe and ready for harvest, the tendrils will be brown, dry, and brittle. However, if the tendrils are still green and supple, the fruit may need more time to mature.

    Ripe butternut squash lying on the ground of a vegetable bed. The tendrils are dry and the stem is browning.

    Stem browning and curing

    Mature butternut squash will have a stem that has started to turn brown and harden. The stem should be firm and dry to the touch, indicating that the squash is ripe and ready for harvest.

    Weather Considerations

    You may need to harvest if weather conditions turn sour. For example, if a frost is inbound and you cannot protect your squash, you must gather and allow the squash to ripen off the vine. 

    Frost and low temperatures

    Butternut squash is sensitive to frost and freezing temperatures. Therefore, harvesting any remaining squash is essential to prevent damage when the first frost hits.  

    Exposure of ripe squash to frost can lead to reduced storage life and affect the taste and texture of the fruit.

    Prolonged Wet conditions

    Prolonged wet conditions can lead to rot and fungal infections in butternut squash. Therefore, if heavy rains are inbound for an extended period, consider harvesting your butternut squash growing now to prevent damage.

    However, avoid harvesting when the fruit and vines are wet, as this can introduce excess moisture and increase the risk of rot during storage.

    Butternut squash growing outdoors almost ready for harvest. The tendrils are dry and the stem is starting to brown.

    Tools and Techniques for Harvesting Butternut Squash

    Harvesting butternut squash only requires the right tools and technique:

    Proper tools

    You do not need a lot of gardening tools to harvest winter squashes, but a few simple tools can make the job a lot quicker and easier:

    Sharp, clean pruners or garden shears – Using the right tools is crucial for a successful harvest. Sharp, clean pruners or garden shears will allow for precise cuts, reducing the risk of damaging the fruit or plant.

    Before harvesting, ensure your cutting tools are clean and sharp to prevent the spread of disease and make clean cuts.

    Gloves to protect hands- When harvesting butternut squash, it’s essential to wear gloves to protect your hands. The stems and unripe butternut squash vines can be prickly, and gloves will help prevent scratches, cuts, or irritation while handling the fruit and cutting stems.

    A pile of fully ripened and harvested  winter squashes.

    How to Harvest Butternut Squash

    Follow these tips for harvesting to ensure your winter squashes hold up in storage:

    Make a Clean Cut In The Stem 

    Locate the stem connecting the fruit to the vine. Make a clean cut about 1-2 inches above the fruit with a sharp, clean knife, pruners, or garden shears.

    This cutting method helps prevent the stem from breaking off, which could expose the fruit to rot or disease. Avoid twisting or pulling the fruit from the vine, as this can damage the fruit and the plant.

    Be Sure to Leave a Small Portion of the Stem Intact 

    Leaving a small portion of the stem attached to the fruit (1 to 2 inches, or 2.5 to 5 cm) will help prevent the squash from rotting during storage.

    The remaining stem is a barrier, protecting the fruit from pathogens entering stored squash through a broken or damaged stem.

    Handle The Fruit Gently To Avoid Bruising 

    Handle the fruit gently when harvesting and transporting butternut squash to prevent bruising or damage. Bruised or damaged areas can quickly rot and reduce the storage life of the squash.

    Use both hands to support the weight of the fruit, and avoid stacking butternut squash on top of each other to minimize the risk of bruising.

    A gardener holds a butternut squash, still on the vine. The squash is light-colored, with a small green stripe near the stem, indicating it is not ready for harvest.

    Curing Butternut Squash

    Curing your harvested butternut squash is a must, but it is not difficult:

    The Role of Curing

    Curing is an essential process that helps improve the storage life and overall quality of butternut squash. During curing, the fruit undergoes physiological changes that harden its skin and heal minor injuries or cuts.

    The curing process helps to protect the still-growing butternut squash from rot and disease while enhancing its flavor and texture.

    Optimal Conditions for Curing

    To cure butternut squash, place the harvested fruits in a well-ventilated area with a temperature of around 80-85°F (27-29°C) and relative humidity of 70-80%. Good air circulation is crucial to prevent the growth of mold and mildew during the curing process.

    Duration of the Curing Process

    The curing process for butternut squash typically takes 10 to 14 days. Monitor the fruits during this time and check for any signs of rot or disease.

    After the curing period, the skin of the butternut squash ripens and should be harder, and any minor cuts or injuries should have healed.

    A vertical shot of butternut squash against a bright white background. The skin of the squash is smooth and consistent color.

    Butternut Squash Storage Tips

    Ideal storage conditions

    Once cured, store butternut squash in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area with a temperature of 50-60°F (10-15°C) and 50-70% relative humidity. Basements, cellars, or cool closets are ideal storage locations for mature squash.

    Avoid exposing the fruits to direct sunlight, which can cause them to deteriorate more quickly.

    Signs of spoilage and how to address them

    Keep an eye on your stored butternut squash and check for signs of spoilage, such as mold, soft spots, or an off smell. If you notice any of these signs, remove the affected fruit immediately to prevent the spread of rot or disease to other fruits.

    To minimize the risk of spoilage, maintain proper storage conditions and handle the fruits gently during harvest and storage.

    Common Mistakes and Troubleshooting

    The biggest mistake new gardeners make with butternut squash is harvesting too late or too early, pulling or tugging fruits from the vine, and not allowing for a curing time before cooking:

    Harvesting too early or too late

    Harvesting butternut squash too early can produce underdeveloped fruits with poor taste and texture. On the other hand, harvesting too late can lead to overripe fruits with reduced storage and shelf life.

    To avoid these issues, monitor the squash closely for signs of maturity (color change, hardened skin, drying tendrils, and stem browning) and know when to harvest and when the fruit peak.

    Improper cutting techniques

    The wrong cutting technique can damage the fruit and shorten its storage life. Twisting or pulling the fruit from the vine can cause the stem to break off, exposing the fruit to pathogens that could lead to rot.

    To prevent damage, use a sharp knife, clean pruners, or garden shears to make a clean cut, leaving 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of stem attached to the fruit.

    Butternut squashes growing on vine.

    Inadequate curing and storage conditions

    Failing to cure butternut squash properly or storing it in inappropriate conditions can lead to a shortened storage life and an increased risk of spoilage.

    Be sure to follow our guide above on proper curing and storage conditions.

    Tips for successful future harvests

    To improve the success of your butternut squash harvests, consider these tips:

    • Select a suitable variety for your growing region and climate. Some varieties may be more resistant to local pests and diseases or better adapted to your area’s growing conditions.
    • Practice proper plant care throughout the growing season. Provide the squash adequate water, sunlight, and nutrients to support healthy growth and development.
    • Rotate crops to reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests. Planting butternut squash in the same location year after year can lead to a buildup of pathogens and pests in the soil.
    • Keep a garden journal to track the progress of your plants, note the signs of maturity, and record the harvest date. This information can help you decide when to harvest in future growing seasons.
    • Manage Pest Populations to ensure healthy and bountiful harvests. For more info, check out this post on managing squash bugs.
    Raw butternut squash halved with sage on wooden table.

    Harvesting Butternuts: It’s all about the timing

    When harvesting butternut squash, timing is the key to ensuring silky smooth, tasty fruits. By carefully observing the signs of maturity and being mindful of weather conditions, you’ll know when to pick butternut squash to ensure a successful harvest that delivers the best flavor, texture, and storage life. 

    Happy Gardening!

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    Author: Laura Kennedy

    Writer & Owner of Little Yellow Wheelbarrow

    Laura is a highly skilled gardener and fervent flower enthusiast. Despite her playful battle with plant spacing guidelines, Laura’s work inspires gardeners to create thriving, beautiful spaces that reflect both creativity and sustainability.

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